Oak Eggar

Lasiocampa quercus (66.007)

The Oak Eggar gets its name from the acorn-like shape of its cocoon. It does not feed on Oak but instead is a moth of heathland habitats, feeding on associated plants.

The large and distinctive males fly during the day with a fast, erratic flight as they search for newly emerged females with which to mate. The prefer to fly in especially in bright sunshine during July and August. The female is mainly nocturnal but does come to light.

Populations in the Midlands take either a single year or two years for the larvae to develop depending upon weather conditions. In Warwickshire, the species is very local and uncommon, but they have been recorded from a variety of habitats including disused railway embankments, heathland, woodland rides and clearings.

Please note: From February 2023 all sightings records should be submitted via the iRecord Butterflies app available via the iTunes or Google Store. Find out more here: iRecord at Butterfly Conservation.